
Click on the links in the program to see the recorded version on Youtube
09:00Registration opens
10:00Block 1
Keynote: Professor Eric Monnet
Time to democratize central banking? To face challenges like climate change and the lack of affordable housing there is a need to include monetary policy. But the central bank’s independence means they cannot be subject to such political goals. Leading french economist and historian Eric Monnet, author of La Banque Providence, on why the frame-work for monetary and fiscal policy should be revised.

Speaker: OECD economist Orsetta Causa
Inequalities and the-cost-of-living-crisis unravelled.
Orsetta Causa, deputy head of the Structural Surveillance Division, OECD Economics Department, on inequality and those hardest hit by inflation, policy responses and challenges across OECD countries.
Speaker: Professor Jorge Uxo
The bird flying against the wind – counter-inflationary measures in Spain. Macro economist Jorge Uxo on the lessons
learned from Spain, which has the lowest inflation rate
in Europe.
Panel: Jorge Uxo, Orsetta Causa and Philippa Sigl-Glockner
13:00Block 2
Screening and talk: Director Fredrik Gertten
Breaking Social – Picturing economic inequality.
Director Fredrik Gertten on depicting economic inequality
on film.
Panel: Karin Pettersson & Arvid Åhlund
Sweden and the international debate on fiscal policy. Swedish growth is plummeting and Sweden has stood out as the country giving the least support to household’s in light of the high inflation. Why is Sweden two steps behind everyone else?
Keynote: Professor Stefanie Stantcheva (digital)
Tax policy and public attitudes towards redistribution. Harvard professor Stefanie Stantcheva on long-term trends of income (in)equality, taxation and public attitudes towards redistribution of wealth.
14:30Coffee break
15:00Block 3
Keynote: Professor Isabella Weber (digital)
How to fight inflation in an age of overlapping emergencies.
A session on the roots of inflation both today and historically by professor Isabella Weber who has revolutionized the international academic debate on the role of profits in inflation. Are we seeing a profit-price-spiral rather than a price-wage-spiral? Does our age of overlapping emergencies require a new way of fighting inflation, a toolbox approach to economic disaster preparedness instead of relying on one single measure, interest rate hikes? 
Speaker: Elinor Odeberg
Dyrtider. Elinor Odeberg chief economist at Arena Idé about her new book Dyrtider – så bekämpar vi inflationen, which will be pre-released exclusively to the participants at the conference.
16:00Closing followed by mingle 🍸